Sunday, September 14, 2008 American food day...

Regrettably, I ate both McDonald's and Pizza Hut yesterday. It's true.

I'd journeyed to the Tuen Mun Town Centre yesterday to find the larger Park 'n' Shop (the supermarket) that I'd been told had better selections than the one down the street. Plus I felt like wandering through a shopping mall.

I thought I'd have lunch there because I didn't realize how difficult it would be to find food. Very. I found bakeries, convenience stores, fancy restaurants and signs for a McDonald's--all of which I avoided. Somehow I found the food court, but alas!, all the menus were in Chinese. And even though they had displays of some of the foods, and even if I'd somehow managed to point out what I wanted (although I'm not sure I could have done even that because everyone else checked off their selections on a paper menu) I still wouldn't have known when my number was called.

So I shuffled off to the McDonald's.

However, the food was still different! The chicken, for example, was probably a mixture of all different chicken meats because it had a darker color and different texture. And it came with delicious pear iced tea!

And with food in my stomach I could begin enjoying the mall. An unending number of stores, and I only stuck to phase I and phase II of the total 8 (so I've heard). The large Olympic's playground had been replaced with an assortment of mooncakes vendors and I couldn't believe how many varieties there were. Even Häagen-Dazs makes an ice cream mooncake.

Then I returned (by MTR, I was going to be adventurous and take the bus back, but I couldn't find the right bus stop) and hung out in front of the canteen for awhile. My friends already had Pizza Hut plans so I joined in. Actually, it's Pizza Hut Delivery, which is owned by Pizza Hut but different, somehow. They made me place the order, which wasn't a problem until she wanted to confirm the road that Lingnan University's on and we had to scramble around for an informational item of paper that might contain our address. And I'll have to learn some pizza-delivery-related Cantonese words because the only words I understood when the delivery guy called were "hello" and "pizza."

Now I'm off on another adventure! (to Central, I think)

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