Thursday, September 25, 2008

I almost forgot to write a post

Because there's nothing to write about. But that can't be true.
Maybe if I try to compose a list of things I've learned today...

  • Postage stamps should be placed lightly on top of the sponge to avoid soaking the entire top-right corner of the envelope (if you're confused, it's because you've forgotten stamps don't always come in peel-off sticker form)
  • I like books about Depression-era circuses
  • 1 minute is the perfect time for heating up fish balls
  • Scallop-flavored noodles do not taste like scallops; but at least they taste like noodles
  • Every time it rains it doesn't mean I'll get soaked--today I didn't need to go outside until after it stopped
  • I need to improve my white-board writing skills
  • 30% is incorrect
  • If the stock is expected to increase, writing a call option is riskier than buying a put option; regardless of the class's majority opinion
  • I have 3 more weeks to complete a subprime crisis presentation than I previously thought
  • My defense in fencing has gone seriously awry. And by that I mean it's currently non-existent

  • sau2
is Cantonese for "hand." Glove translates as "hand covering."
  • When I read "Italic" and "Publish" as "Italy" and "Polish" it means it's time for sleep

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