Thursday, September 18, 2008

Internet stopped working last night

So I saved what I'd written into a Word document and pasted it here for you this morning:

"I was all prepared to write, "Nothing happened. Sorry." But then--several people stop by to tell me we'll be voting for the floor representative and eating fruits.

Yum! Slices of my favorite pears! (unless they were pear-tasting slices of apple, I don't know) And oranges and really thin melon slices and the largest grapes I've ever laid eyes on.

We raised our hands unanimously for the only person to vote for.

And I finally remembered the name of the person I kept forgetting! So she can stop asking, "Do you remember me?" and then, "You've forgotten me again!" For some reason I thought her name was Francine. I don't even know a Francine. I've never known a Francine. But have you ever become convinced the name someone introduces herself as can't possibly be her real name? It happens to me all the time. A few years ago I kept thinking "Miriam" when the girl's name was Ashley. And the Mainland student on the fencing team doesn't call herself Agatha.

Anyway, I should go to sleep now. Waking up at 11:05 would be a bad habit to develop. Especially on days when classes start at 11:30. Like today."

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