Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What? Classes on a Tuesday?

I'd almost forgotten those existed, what with all the holidays and non-holiday-but-still-no-classes days. And actually, I have quite a lot of classes on Tuesdays. Ick.

I learned about intra-industry trade, an innocent man imprisoned for 26 years, property rights in aboriginal societies, and how to say, "Pleased to meet you" in Mandarin. I ate dinner. I studied. I wished for a stronger (or existent) Internet connection.

Wouldn't it be great if there were a way of knowing exactly when your brain had absorbed all the necessary information so you'd know when to stop studying? Someone should invent that. It could be thermometer shaped and you'd hold it next to your skull and it would make pleasant beeping sounds. Or maybe a delightfully electronic voice would say, "You have sufficiently prepared. Please close your textbooks and go exploring."

Oh! Last night I semi-figured out my roommate's conversation with her parents! Soon no secret will be safe... No, she was just talking about studying abroad. And I don't think recognizing "America" and "France" would have provided any great clues if I didn't already know she's applying to study abroad. She wants to come to St. Mary's! She can't believe the bus only comes by every hour, but she liked hearing about the climbing wall (I didn't tell her I've only tried it once). It's much harder for Lingnan students to study abroad: they need to pass an English exam, answer an essay question, and compete for limited openings. After we talked about St. Mary's she asked me which universities people don't want to go to--so she will have a greater probability of being accepted.

Then she wanted to learn the English for various bodily functions. I suppose it's useful knowledge...

And I joined Secret Angels! A day before the deadline! Phew... From what I gather, Secret Angels is kind of like Secret Santa, but it lasts for a whole month. I filled out a form with my name, room number, and something I like (chocolate). In a few days I'll be given someone else's form--that person is my "master" and another person (I won't know who until end of November) will be my angel. Throughout the month I have to take care of my master, leaving her (or him, I suppose, the game is played throughout the whole hostel) gifts and stuff like that. Fun!

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