Saturday, October 18, 2008

Liabilities, depressions, and agricultural tariffs

Aside from a visit to Fu Tai for chive and meat dumplings, a milk bun, and Tiger Balm (for my poor back...if I make apple cobbler again I'm so just going to snatch some small children to do my bidding) I researched all day... ugh...

Oh, wait! I also visited the vending machine for caffiene sometime in the afternoon. From what I gathered at the time, it was some kind of lemon tea. From what I gathered a minute ago when I saw the English side of the can, it was NESTEA ICE RUSH with Extra Cooling Action. How does a person manage to drink an entire can of soda, leave the can lying around on her desk all day, and even flip the empty can on its side to read the ingredients (I wanted to learn what created the Extra Cooling Action--although at the time I didn't know this was the name) without once observing the other half? Clearly I am not Sherlock Holmes. In case my not being English, male, or a fictional character weren't enough to tell us apart.

And I meant to go to bed 27 minutes ago because I'm going on an adventure tomorrow to an undecided location. So instead I'll go to bed now.

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