Thursday, October 2, 2008

Planning for International Day

I left my hostel exactly 4 times today.

  1. To buy groceries at Park 'N' Shop. I learned that the restaurant we ate at last night (the failure) has its own brand of ramen noodles.
  2. To go to class; an International Trade tutorial.
  3. Actually, I never returned to my hostel in between 2 and 3, so this shouldn't be counted separate. The OMIP held another briefing for International Day to confirm details and provide us with petty cash (1,500 HKD) to begin purchasing food and decorations. We're making apple cobbler (it's microwavable and we can find the ingredients at the supermarket). Lots of apple cobbler. Apple cobbler for 400 people. I'm thinking that on baking day we'll be taking over every microwave in the hostel, and probably comandeering the lift as well. No, seriously. The other difficulty will be finding decorations. I thought for sure we could hang some red, white, and blue streamers; but when I tried searching for party supply stores in Hong Kong I came up with nothing (poker supply stores, wedding supply stores, some store in Champlain, IL). Even the tourism board website failed me (!). Under "shopping" I selected the box next to "party supplies," which returned 0 results. It's like asking if I'd like some chocolate and then replying, "Yeah, me too..." and walking away. Anyway...
  4. Fencing!
I can't believe tomorrow will be Friday...I wish all Wednesdays were holidays. Not that I want time to fly by--the only enjoyable part about finishing a month is flipping to a new picture. And October's is particularly nice, so that's [insert synonym for "nice" to avoid repitition].

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