Sunday, November 2, 2008

When I finally woke up yesterday,

I studied.

But that's not all! I ate a dragon fruit! Finally! It has an almost-not-there (but enough to be delicious) flavor. It's a difficult taste to describe, but the taste itself isn't difficult. I guess I can cross "describer of produce" off my list of possible careers. I'll give the other senses a go:
  • Sight: Inside: white with little black seeds scattered randomly throughout. Outside: see photograph imbedded somewhere in some previous post.
  • Touch: Texture similar to a kiwi's (the fruit, not the bird. hmm, a bird-textured fruit...gross)
  • Smell: I didn't smell it.
  • Sound: None.
Also, when I bought some food at Circle K (a convenience store--I didn't feel like taking the escalator up to the Park N Shop) the cashier added the following to my bag:

A brochure I can't read, a collectible pin, and instant coffee with creamer and natural cane sugar.

Actually, if Hong Kong lists ingredients in order of quantity, it's more like creamer and sugar with coffee. However, if I decide to try it, it's reassuring to know it contains Permitted Stabilisers.

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