Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dried fish and raw fish

I'm just walking along, dum de dum, heading back to campus from the Park N Shop when--woah!--a rope-full of dried fish! Like a garland of Christmas ornaments, only smellier and less sparkly. Naturally, I hadn't expected to stumble into a collection of fish that morning, so I hurried to my room, grabbed my camera, and returned.

And here's a photo that should technically belong with Thanksgiving, but I didn't take the photo until yesterday. After my Master gave me those adorable little chocolate chip cookies, I gave her some chocolate truffles. And then she made this rose out of the wrapper! Secret Angels is the best game ever.

Okay, back to Friday. We needed to listen to presentations in Environmental Economics and I almost wished I could have done another presentation instead, because times flies faster that way. Actually, I liked the first presentation, on plastic bags. They knew what they were talking about. And I'd never really thought much about plastic bags before. But the other two...meh. It's okay though, because...SUSHI for dinner! Yumyumyum. We went to the good place this time, and by some amazingly (I originally spelled "amazingly," "amazling"--oh dear) wonderful chance the line was incredibly short. Salmonsalmonsalmon! I also learned that in Cantonese only the tone disguinshes "spoon" from "napkin." So someone ended up with two spoons and no napkin.

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