Saturday, December 6, 2008

TMT Plaza feast

(note the parachuting Santa)

No more classes! However, this fact has yet to sink in, probably because it means the semester is near to ending and my mind is consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously rejecting any thoughts related to leaving.

Anyway, we met for dinner at 7 and waited outside in the shivering cold for half an hour for everyone to arrive. A few raindrops splashed our faces until we told them to go away; if they'd disobeyed I guess we could've been far more miserable. Actually, if I'd brought any sort of coat to Hong Kong the weather wouldn't bother me in the least. I mean, some people are still wearing shorts.

Even though we had a reservation (and on a Friday that's really the only option for any restaurant except that Taiwanese place--empty as usual) we still needed to wait a good while. At least we were indoors, which if not heated, at least felt lukewarm and lacked a breeze.

The restauarant chairs were soft and cushiony (like velvet) and the tea was hot. There were two kinds, and one teapot of hot water to dilute the tea after it's steeped for too long. The appetizers were the mix of beans, tofu and some kind of fruit (apples?) shown above.

Always leave the ordering to a local! They'll choose the right stuff, like fish, the egg whites as delicious as crabs, dumplings, spicy tofu, the meat that gets wrapped in the tortilla, a chicken that I forgot about even though it was sitting right next to me, and spaghetti-like noodles. VERY long spaghetti-like noodles. So long that we decided to cut them, even if it meant bad luck and a reduced life span.

A carrot flower!

The forgotten chicken, an unforgotten dumpling, and the dishes made in Japan.

A most delicious fish. It tasted like sweet 'n' sour chicken. Yum-yum!

I thought the fish could use a little accessorizing.
Doesn't s/he look stunning?

Woah...a mastiff. Glad they aren't allowed outside the mall.
Wait--who in Hong Kong owns an apartment large enough for a dog this size?

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